
The Folly Index: Issues 1—45

Compiled by Molly Lofas, Jan Owen & Sue Sims

How to use this Index

In general, books are listed by authors, not titles, so you won’t find an entry for Five Children and It under F: look under Nesbit, E. In other words, if all you know is the title of the work and you’ve forgotten who wrote it, bad luck; you’ll have to comb through the entire index, though once we manage to get a website and work out how to put a search engine on to it, you’ll be laughing. Even then you might not find it listed, because if it only crops up in (say) a general article on E.Nesbit which has a bibliography, it won’t have its own reference. Furthermore, we have not indexed the names of individual contributors, apart from those who have also written books reviewed in Folly—this makes them Authors, which merits an index entry, but still doesn’t include Folly writings.

How it works  

  • References are Folly number in bold~page number in standard: so
    • 11 ~13 means Folly 11 page 13
    • 11 ~13, 15 means Folly 11, pages 13 and 15.
    • CS means ‘Christmas Special’ - the numbers give whether it’s 1, 2, 3 or 4.
    • Book, article and periodical titles are in italics.
  • Articles are listed by title, for example:

    Things do so happen to us: A study of the Lockett Stories by M.E.Atkinson (article: contributor in brackets) X~yy

and also by the author referred to, for example:

Atkinson, M. E. (article) X~yy, and then any other entries.

But you won’t normally find separate entries for each book referred to within an article, with the exception of desert island books. ‘Inc bib’ means that the article includes a bibliography. You will find separate entries for some books by the same author, depending on the context of the reference (eg, a plot summary in Letters and Queries would be referenced, but not a quiz question or answer.)

In general, the contributors’ names are given only following the actual title of their piece, and not under the author entry. There are certain exceptions to this: where there are two articles on the same author by different contributors, the latters’ names are given in both title and author entry, for example:

Jam Tomorrow (article: Sarah Burns) 17~37
Redlich, Monica (article inc bib: Sheila Ray) 6~23; (article: Sarah Burns) 17~37;

and where the article has no title other than its subject’s name, contributors are listed under the author entry, for example:

    Smith, Evelyn; (article: Hilary Clare) 5~22; (article, inc bib: Hilary Clare) 16~3 & 17~3

  • Reviews are listed by the author of the work under review; so don’t look up Behind the Chalet School under B, look up McClelland, H. instead; or under Reviews in the Rs. Reviewers are indicated by initials.
  • Pseudonyms caused a bit of a problem but should all be cross-referenced, normally to the name we are used to; but don’t take that as gospel.
  • Hyphenated names are listed by the first name, so you will find EBD under B for Brent-Dyer
  • double-barrelled names are listed by the last name, so you will find DFB under B for Bruce
  • Names beginning with particles (de, du, le, von, van etc) are indexed under those particles.
  • What’s missing is an entry on …well, you’ll all have your own. Just break it to us gently.


NOTE: Since this is an ongoing index, and will be updated every year, please inform us of all the ghastly errors and omissions you find as soon as possible!

The next index will be produced with Folly 50.


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